EIGE's Brussels Laison Officer, Sarah Cooke O'dowd, and Stakeholders Relations Trainee, Maria Onnat, join the Student Association for Gender Equality at the College of Europe in Bruges to celebrate International Women's Day. The event focuses on a discussion of EIGE's work, including the communication of gender equality as well as EIGE's latest findings on gender-based violence.
Head of EIGE Research and Policy Unit, Maruša Gortnar, and Research and Statistics Team Leader, Jolanta Reingarde, attend the 69th Session of the Commission on the Staus of Women (CSW). In 2025, the global community marks the 30th anniversary of the 4th World Conference on Women and adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995). With a focus...
EIGE’s gender-based violence researcher, Monica Barbovschi, represents EIGE at the Annual Conference of the Police Network, Council of Europe. The Conference will address the critical issue of violence against women, including femicide - the killing of women and girls. This issue remains a significat problem acrross EU, requiring co-oordinated societal and legal action.
EIGE's Director, Carlien Scheele, attends the event "Protection and Empowerment of Victims of Gender-Based and Domestic Violence," hosted by MEP Elena Kountoura. The event brings together EU policymakers, UN representatives, WAVE, and other key stakeholders to discuss challenges and legislative measures to protect victims and support the European Parliament’s ongoing efforts to reform the Victims’ Rights Directive.